埃及 NTRA Type Approval 新流程
埃及 NTRA (The National Telecom Regulatory Authority) 針對所有室內、室外使用之通訊產品提出新的 Type Approval 流程如左圖:
NTRA認定之Manufacturer製造商為商標持有者,Factory為生產工廠,若製造商未持有ISO 9001證書且生產工廠位於中國或印度,則必須以較嚴格的Tight Scheme申請Type Approval。
NTRA於2020年1月6日更新Tight Scheme規範細項如下藍字:
1. 樣品:
a. 手機或平板:2套有預留工程測試孔的商業樣品,或是2套工程樣品及2套商業樣品;
b. 其他無線通訊產品:被NTRA要求時才須提供
2. 文件:
a. Group A/B認可實驗室發行之完整CE測試報告
(若測試報告若由Group B實驗室發行必須先取得Group A實驗室同意;目前中國並未有實驗室取得Group B資格)
b. Group A實驗室所發行之VoC (Verification of Compliance) 證書
* Group A/B認可實驗室列表請參考
c. 產品技術規格書與操作說明
3. 製造商必須於出貨前通報發VoC證書之Group A實驗室進行驗貨,取得PVoC (pre-shipment Verification of Conformity) 證書;製造商必須在貨物抵達埃及前將PVoC證書正本寄至NTRA,或由Group A實驗室以電子郵件寄送證書電子檔至NTRA。Tight Type Approval完整流程包含完成第一批出貨驗貨。
4. 產品於埃及販售時須符合以下標示要求:
Place of information | Mobile phone or Tablet Set | Other Products | ||
Device | Information needed | 1. Brand 2. Model 3. IMEI numbers (only in case when back cover is removable by user) 4. Country of origin 5. CE mark 6. Serial Number | 1. Brand 2. Model 3. IMEI numbers (only in case of cellular equipment) 4. Country of origin 5. CE mark 6. Serial Number 7. WEEE Symbol | |
Putting Method | In case when back cover is irremovable by user, information must be laser-printed on the external body of the mobile or tablet set and in this case, IMEI numbers are not required to be put on the set. | In case when back cover is removable by user, information must can be either laser-printed or labeled on the internal back of the mobile or tablet set. | Either Labeling or Laser- Printing on device external body | |
Package Box | Information needed | 1. Brand 2. Model 3. IMEI numbers 4. Country of origin 5. CE mark 6. WEEE Symbol 7. Importer Name | 1. Brand 2. Model 3. IMEI numbers (only in case of cellular equipment) 4. Country of origin 5. CE mark 6. Serial Number 7. WEEE Symbol 8. Importer Name | |
Putting Method | Either Labeling or Laser-Printing on Package Box | |||
External Battery & Charger | Information needed | 1. Brand 2. Model 3. CE mark 4. Country of Origin 5. WEEE Symbol | ||
Putting Method | Either Labeling or Laser-Printing on external battery & charger |